Do you support someone with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder whose behaviour is described as challenging?
Aim: To provide an overview of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Positive Behaviour Support, Communication & Challenging Behaviour
Identify how alcohol is Neuro-Developmental Trauma
The impact of alcohol on the brain and its vulnerabilities
Examine how the alcohol informs the spectrum of need and its co-occurring conditions including Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Tourette’s etc
Positive Behaviour Support
Communication & Challenging Behaviour
Examine the developmental divergence of peers
Discuss multi agency management plans & the NICE Quality Standards for FASD
Vicarious trauma and supporting needs of families
Good practice in neurodevelopmental support informs us that working towards being ‘FASD Responsive’ includes empowering all members of the team who come into contact with child/ren with prenatal exposure to alcohol.
£50 per candidate; online live delivery (90 minutes) includes Certification & FASD Resources; with progression opportunities to a higher level learning
©FASD Informed UK
Image with kind permission of our FASD Friend @Charlie Mackesy